Nonton Film Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams (2021) Sub indo
Nonton Film Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams (2021) – Barbie Roberts bermimpi menjadi bintang Broadway, jadi dia mendaftar dalam program musim panas di Handler Arts Academy di New York. Keluarga dan teman-temannya di Malibu mendoakan yang terbaik untuknya saat dia tiba di akademi. Saat Barbie berjuang dengan barang bawaannya, dia dibantu oleh seorang siswi yang datang dari Brooklyn. Penjaga akademi memberi tahu mereka bahwa mereka telah muncul sehari lebih awal, dan memberi tahu mereka di mana kamar asrama berada.
Ketika Barbie dan gadis dari Brooklyn menemukan pintu dengan nama “Barbie Roberts” di atasnya, mereka menemukan bahwa mereka memiliki nama yang sama dan akan menjadi teman sekamar. Mereka menjuluki diri mereka sendiri berdasarkan dari mana mereka berasal, sehingga Barbie menjadi Malibu dan teman sekamarnya menjadi Brooklyn. Mereka terikat karena kecintaan mereka pada musik, dan menjadi teman yang cepat saat mereka berkumpul bersama dan menjelajahi New York.
Download Film Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams Sub indo
Download Film Barbie: Big City, Big Dreams – Di kereta bawah tanah, Malibu melihat poster bintang pop bernama Emmie. Malibu adalah penggemar beratnya, tetapi Brooklyn mengatakan Emmie adalah teman masa kecilnya yang sudah lama tidak dia temui. Malibu dan Brooklyn membuat perjanjian untuk tidak membiarkan ketenaran merusak persahabatan mereka. Sementara itu, Emmie menghadiri Handler Arts Academy dengan menyamar agar dia bisa diperlakukan seperti siswa normal. Di akademi, Dean Morrison mengatakan bahwa Spotlight Solo tahunan akan disiarkan langsung dari Times Square. Malibu dan Brooklyn bertemu dengan seorang siswa kostum bernama Rafa dan anjingnya Gato. Dia memberi mereka gaun berpayet yang seharusnya berkilau, tapi remote control yang dia gunakan untuk menyalakan gaun itu tidak berfungsi.
During her first week at the academy, Malibu struggles in all of her classes. Ken phones her to ask how she’s doing, but she has mixed feelings. Later, Malibu, Brooklyn and Rafa discover that Emmie is attending the school in disguise. Emmie explains that she lost contact with Brooklyn because of her controlling father, who manages her. Emmie and Brooklyn rekindle their friendship. Malibu and her friends keep it a secret that Emmie is at the school.
Malibu and Brooklyn go to Central Park and put on the dresses that Rafa gave them. Brooklyn tells Malibu that her mother is a pilot, and her father is worried about her. Malibu can relate, because her father is also uneasy about her being in New York. They take photos to send to their fathers, then dance and twirl in front of a fountain, which makes their dresses sparkle. Later, Emmie’s father, Mr. Miller, comes to Handler Arts Academy to observe the students. He wants Emmie to have the Spotlight Solo, even though Emmie just wants to learn. Rafa records the class as Mr. Miller observes. While Malibu is dancing, she accidentally knocks Brooklyn into an orchestra pit. Brooklyn lands on a percussionist’s drum and sprains her ankle.
Malibu feels guilty about the accident, but she and her friends keep a positive attitude and share their struggles. Dean Morrison calls Malibu into a meeting and expels her from the academy for sabotaging Brookyln, according to a witness. Dean Morrison also explains Malibu’s expulsion to Brooklyn. Brooklyn tells Malibu that they are no longer friends, and they lament over their friendship ending. Rafa and Emmie find out that Mr. Miller was the witness. Emmie confronts her father, and Rafa sends his video recording of the class to Brooklyn. Brooklyn shows it to Dean Morrison.